Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Emotions Suck... #19

I just read Mr. T's blog about Ms. Eller. It made me think, and I really don't know what to say.

Many of you knew Tyler Hinojosa. He was an incredible kid who was always happy. I went to elementary school with him, at Whitesides Elementary. His mom was our sixth grade teacher, and they always fought and goofed off with each other. It was one of the things that helped make that year more enjoyable.

When I was in my "earlier years" I had a problem with depression. I thought I was the only thing that mattered in the world and I didn't get enough attention. Me, being my stupid selfish self, attempted something I hope NEVER to face again. I regret that day more than anything. I was the most selfish person ever, and I caused my mom so much devastation, all for a little attention. I think that I've grown out of the over dramatic angst, even though I have my depression episodes still. I've made it and I'm trying not letting my stupid "girl feelings" get hold of my neck and drag me down with all the depressing-wannabes who think life is so pointless. I'm a happy person, I love life. I love coming to school and seeing all my friends. And yet, I thought for a while that standing through a few people teasing made life not worth it. Through out the short while I've been here I have had countless friendships that have broken apart all because I couldn't be happy. I held back, and I wouldn't let myself have fun. Though I am still growing out of this stage I think overall I have seriously improved, and I am working really hard to get out of the whole I dug myself in elementary school.

Anyway, back to the main point. I was once again having problems with self-esteem due to this one boy in my class who didn't think I was good enough to hang out with his "posse" if you will. I sat in class glaring at people, or angsting to my friends about how this one boy (who is now doing drugs) wouldn't let me "hang".
One person made me happy.
I got moved next to Tyler, which was something that made my life a whole lot easier. Coming to school wasn't so hard, if I got to talk to Tyler. Because he would always cheer me up. Sitting through class wasn't so hard when I had Tyler cracking jokes by me. He was just such a happy guy who was friends with everyone. Even today I strive to be life the happy guy that made my life a whole lot easier, and I know others lives too. I just wanted to say that don't let the fear of your social status burning in flames, or you looking bad, or you being shy let you do something that NEEDS to be done. Help someone. Hold back when your friends are teasing some helpless little kid, and tell them to stop. These small actions, like Tyler making a joke now and then, will make a difference, and change peoples lives.

Nothing more.


Sunday, January 22, 2006

Doododedodooeode... #18

My brother and sister-in-law are over here right now. They are all crowded around the screen yelling "FUMBLE!!! OFF-SIDES!!!". I love Sundays.

Along with Sundays, I love new terms. No homework. No Tests. No more elective classes that you hate. It's great. And because of my lack of homework, I have almost completed the first disk of Final Fantasy IX. FF9, for those who get tired of typing "Final Fantasy IX" over and over, I have decided is my favorite out of the 4 my brother owns. I haven't beat it yet, I almost did. I got to the third of four disks and my memory card blew up, so here I am, trying to gain my lost time. I have wasted all this time in front of the television trying to get rid of a mutant looking frog-like creature from capturing Princess Garnet. Oh well. I like it.

This game is about war between 3 great nations. Alexandria, Burmecia, and Lindblum. Torn between the nations is the beautiful Princess Garnet Til Alexandros XVII.

Yes. I am a loser.

These games have occupied most likely half of my life. It's quite sad. I've beaten VII, and VII. I'm really close to X, but I can't beat stupid Seymour. These games are SO addicting once you get into it. I gave IX to my friend a while back, to see if he would like it, and he said it was so boring. I have to admit, you have to get past the first few parts of the game to really get to the good parts. These game are amazingly detailed. People have spent hours and hours perfecting these games. It's so weird to me that people work so hard on something like this.

Honestly, I would kill to be apart of the Final Fantasy series. The character designs are absolutely beautiful if you ever get a chance to look at them. The gaming system is being perfected with every game. And millions enjoy this game all over the world. I've seriously been considering taking classes and going into something pertaining to the creation of the Squaresoft games. said this:
"Final Fantasy IX has been billed as a return to the series' roots, but this is an oversimplification. The roots of the Final Fantasy series have always been appealing characters, an epic story, engaging battles, and an impressive presentation. Elements such as airships, pointy-hatted mages, and crystals have always just been surface symbols, while an emotional tale of humanity in the face of adversity lies at the core of each installment of the series. That's not to say that the return to the older art style is unimportant or without meaning. Final Fantasy VII boosted the role-playing game market on two new continents, and Final Fantasy VIII sold the most copies of any game in the series. Both games were critically acclaimed. So why tinker with a winning formula? The game itself no doubt holds the answer."

Interesting. I have to say, if you want to waste your time when you have nothing to do, check out this game.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

This is the theme song... #17

...for Jimmy Neutron. Lori Stettler told me to write about Jimmy, so I did. He is the nerd of all nerds, and has pretty sweet hair. I think Jimmy and Cindy should get together, when they are 16... HAHAHAHA. Like anyone actually follows that guideline. Psh. I do because I'm unattractive, but I find hope in the fact that ugly people are going to join together and take over the world one day. Anyway, I love Sean, their friend? He is just so hilarious. It's one of those shows where you can go "Hey! I know a kid like that in 3rd period!" Great show.
Well, anyway, I wrote this a while ago to a friend, I've been meaning to get this off my chest for a LONG time because I was sick of people asking if I made it.
So I tried out for the musical. I made it last year, and I was told it's easier to make it when you are in ninth grade so I had my hopes set really high.
I didn't make it. Of course. I had a HORRIBLE audition. I choked. I'm usually really good at auditions but I am TERRIFIED of Mrs. Lureiro (did I spell that right?) (I like her in class, and as a teacher, but she just makes my stomach go "BLEEEEEEEEEGH" when I audition)
I just sucked, to be honest. I really did. So I just went home and cried, because that's what I'm good at.
Anyway. I go home and they tell us they are announcing the musical cast on Friday after school.
Tuesday: .
Thursday: ............
Friday: I was nervous and my stomach was still going "BLEEEEEEEEEGHEHGHEHGEEEEEEEE
I walked up to the list, where a MONSTROUS HEARD OF WILD ZOMBIES PILED ON TOP OF ME TRYING TO SEE THE LIST!!... Okay that was just all the people who tried out... I checked the list three times, just in case.

No. I didn't make it. I was okay. I didn't care THAT much you know? Life goes on.

Well, I've recovered, and it doesn't ruin my day if someone talks about it. I'm stronger than that. Hee hee. I'm happy. I decided that I'm just going to go with the flow. My grades have steadily increases since I decided to get out of the "I have a crush on so-and-so" phase. I can focus on school rather on how cute a certain guy looks that day. This blog doesn't really have a set theme but I really wanted to talk about what has been going on with me lately. I should have better topics...

Well, another subject. Lord Blackadder. Patti-kins, Jordona Wade and I had a sleep over one glorious vacation weekend where I was introduced to the show Blackadder with Rowan Atkinson, or you might know him as "Mr. Bean". At first I was like "Oh, this is SO British humor" and I just blew it off, but as I started watching it and Patti quoted it more I just started laughing more and more. Now, I am dying to watch it again, it was so hilarious.
Blackadder: I seek information about a Wise woman.
Young Crone: Ah, the Wisewoman... the Wisewoman.
Blackadder: Yes, the Wisewoman.
Young Crone: Two things, my lord, must thee know of the Wisewoman. First, she is... a woman. And second, she is...
Blackadder: Wise?
Young Crone: You do know her then?
Blackadder: No, just a wild stab in the dark which is, incidentally, what you'll be getting if you don't start being a bit more helpful. Do you know where she lives?
Young Crone: Of course.
Blackadder: Where?
Young Crone: Here. Do you have an appointment?
Blackadder: No.
Young Crone: Well, you can go in anyway.
Blackadder: Thank you young crone. Here is a purse of moneys... which I'm not going to give to you.

Great. Absolute Genius. I love British Comedy.

This is possibly the most pointless blog, and considering my other blogs, that says a lot. I will maybe post something more intelligent next post.