Monday, April 03, 2006

My Heart's a Battleground... #27

Kingdom Hearts 2 is finally out. So… much… happiness… I am lacking money so I just rented it for now, and am furiously trying to beat it before Saturday. Sadly, I’m stuck on this stupid Tron motorcycle part and I got mad so I am taking a break. The game is absolutely awesome. All the flaws in the first game have been fixed in this one. The fighting system is incredible, the graphics so smooth and it’s everlastingly entertaining. I love it, so very much.

It is a mix between Disney and Square Soft (the makers of Final Fantasy and such), which I believe is an awesome combination. I mean, two mega-franchises put together to make a universal game that appeals to almost everyone? Great. Great. Great. I’ve heard a lot of arguments that they “ruined” many of the Final Fantasy characters but when you think about it, it is better. You get to see your favorite characters in new situations with improved graphics, and placed in a completely different land where you can explore the limits of the character farther than you could in it’s original game. I heard an argument that when you are fighting some of the cool characters from Final Fantasy and you hear Donald quacking it totally ruins the experience. I happen to be quite fond of Donald and if you want to tell me otherwise, go right ahead. I’ll smack you silly with my keyblade. So, nyeh.

The story is complicated for me right now. It’s very complex and has a lot of weird side stories and plots to figure out. I mean, SORA WAS REINCARNATED OR SOMETHING. AND WHAT ABOUT THE NOBODIES?! WILL IT EVER EXPLAIN?! Coughs… please excuse my sudden outburst. It’s just that there are so many different things that I’ve either missed or just haven’t processed that it is hard to concentrate. It has a really strong plot, and it makes you think. So it’s not BAD that I’m confused… It’s just confusing… Ha. I am getting pretty far actually. I’m just stuck on this one stinking part. I have to ride this motorcycle thing in this computer-techno-ish world thing called the “Space Paranoids” and I’m completely and utterly hopeless. I’m supposed to turn left when these heartless/nobodies (I’m not sure which) are attacking me and I have NO way to heal myself. I mean, come on. Give me a break. I’m not in god mode here. It’s been a struggle. Struggle. Ha.

It’s just so awesome though. I haven’t found too many things that I don’t like. The new weapons are incredible looking. I love the one I have right now. It’s called Oathkeeper. It is very awesome. Goofy has a book right now… Donald has this star staff thing. Goofy and Donald are your other main characters. It’s not turn based so you don’t control them but they help out a lot. I can not do anything and they could kill all the guys for me but it’s so much more fun when you do it yourself. I recently finished Agraba, with Aladin. It was fun, but the Pirates of the Caribbean world seemed a lot more fun. I loved the animation in it. I’m so excited for the Nightmare before Christmas World. I’m leaving the Tron thing right now to go play the world. I’ve got leveling up to do I guess.

Yes, I am a videogame nerd. I love them so much. And my brain is melting by the minute.


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