Sunday, January 08, 2006

This is the theme song... #17

...for Jimmy Neutron. Lori Stettler told me to write about Jimmy, so I did. He is the nerd of all nerds, and has pretty sweet hair. I think Jimmy and Cindy should get together, when they are 16... HAHAHAHA. Like anyone actually follows that guideline. Psh. I do because I'm unattractive, but I find hope in the fact that ugly people are going to join together and take over the world one day. Anyway, I love Sean, their friend? He is just so hilarious. It's one of those shows where you can go "Hey! I know a kid like that in 3rd period!" Great show.
Well, anyway, I wrote this a while ago to a friend, I've been meaning to get this off my chest for a LONG time because I was sick of people asking if I made it.
So I tried out for the musical. I made it last year, and I was told it's easier to make it when you are in ninth grade so I had my hopes set really high.
I didn't make it. Of course. I had a HORRIBLE audition. I choked. I'm usually really good at auditions but I am TERRIFIED of Mrs. Lureiro (did I spell that right?) (I like her in class, and as a teacher, but she just makes my stomach go "BLEEEEEEEEEGH" when I audition)
I just sucked, to be honest. I really did. So I just went home and cried, because that's what I'm good at.
Anyway. I go home and they tell us they are announcing the musical cast on Friday after school.
Tuesday: .
Thursday: ............
Friday: I was nervous and my stomach was still going "BLEEEEEEEEEGHEHGHEHGEEEEEEEE
I walked up to the list, where a MONSTROUS HEARD OF WILD ZOMBIES PILED ON TOP OF ME TRYING TO SEE THE LIST!!... Okay that was just all the people who tried out... I checked the list three times, just in case.

No. I didn't make it. I was okay. I didn't care THAT much you know? Life goes on.

Well, I've recovered, and it doesn't ruin my day if someone talks about it. I'm stronger than that. Hee hee. I'm happy. I decided that I'm just going to go with the flow. My grades have steadily increases since I decided to get out of the "I have a crush on so-and-so" phase. I can focus on school rather on how cute a certain guy looks that day. This blog doesn't really have a set theme but I really wanted to talk about what has been going on with me lately. I should have better topics...

Well, another subject. Lord Blackadder. Patti-kins, Jordona Wade and I had a sleep over one glorious vacation weekend where I was introduced to the show Blackadder with Rowan Atkinson, or you might know him as "Mr. Bean". At first I was like "Oh, this is SO British humor" and I just blew it off, but as I started watching it and Patti quoted it more I just started laughing more and more. Now, I am dying to watch it again, it was so hilarious.
Blackadder: I seek information about a Wise woman.
Young Crone: Ah, the Wisewoman... the Wisewoman.
Blackadder: Yes, the Wisewoman.
Young Crone: Two things, my lord, must thee know of the Wisewoman. First, she is... a woman. And second, she is...
Blackadder: Wise?
Young Crone: You do know her then?
Blackadder: No, just a wild stab in the dark which is, incidentally, what you'll be getting if you don't start being a bit more helpful. Do you know where she lives?
Young Crone: Of course.
Blackadder: Where?
Young Crone: Here. Do you have an appointment?
Blackadder: No.
Young Crone: Well, you can go in anyway.
Blackadder: Thank you young crone. Here is a purse of moneys... which I'm not going to give to you.

Great. Absolute Genius. I love British Comedy.

This is possibly the most pointless blog, and considering my other blogs, that says a lot. I will maybe post something more intelligent next post.


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