Monday, March 20, 2006

Strawberry Fields... #25


Three day weekends are always so tiring, but so relaxing. Does that even make sense?

Ipods are the talk of the school lately. Most of the teachers hate them because kids are always listening to them during class. I would kill for an iPod... Okay, not kill, maybe eat a bowl of... jelly beans or something. The talk is that all the students are complaining that they hate when teachers take them away. Solution? DONT USE THEM IN CLASS MORONS. I would love one but when your parents are trying to raise you and help you get good grades and you ware wasting their and teachers efforts why should they allow you to even have one? There is a time and place for certain things and in the middle of an important lecture in class is not the time for an iPod.

Teachers prepare a lot for their lessons, why should they put so much effort when no one cares? Why do I care so much? Because it drives me insane when people don't pay attention to me when I have something important to say, and it bugs me when I do it to others. And also when I see it happening. Yes. It drives me insane when I'm trying to concentrate and I can hear Fall Out Boy playing next to me. I mean, I'm guilty of not paying attention but so is everyone. Why make it worse by bringing even more distractions in. It's silly that teenagers HAVE to have a cell phone. They HAVE to have an iPod. They HAVE to have a boyfriend/girlfriend. Why do these things matter? I have none of those and I'm perfectly happy! I wish that people could be happier with the simple things in life.

What happened to exercise and playing soccer in the park? I spend my day sitting on the computer or in front of the computer. I used to be such an active kid and now I'm just a lazy potato. I wish that I the energy I had as a kid. I'm just becoming more and more lazy and I see it all around me. Is there some kind of support group for this!? Ha ha. I'm just really ready for school to start, and me to get more motivated. I don't know where all my motivation went. I used to be such an incredible student. I got invited to Spectrum but I declined because my grandmammy, who was a principal at the time, suggested not to because I didn't seem like I would like it. It just seems so weird the radical change I have made. It's not necessarily bad. I mean maybe it will teach me to work harder. I did better this term. I got my grades fairly up. I have nothing above a C now, which was defiantly not the case a couple weeks ago. I'm really proud of myself for sticking it out but I just can't help but feel disappointed as well. I could have tried harder. I could have gotten a better grade.

It's the beginning of a new term and I'm ready to start achieving the straight A's that I wanted when I was a little girl.
I'd love to continue but my hair needs drying.
Remember, the Beatles maybe have been on drugs but their music is still great.


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