Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I Left My Heart in Memphis. #3

Hello everyone. I'm feeling uber great, and ready to type. I feel a strong urge to write today. I don't really know why exactly but I just felt it appropriate. I have really needed to make some sort of entry of my journey to Memphis. One of the greatest experiences of my life I must say. The beautiful city made me so happy, I gained so much by going. And to think I actually didn't want to go...
Well first I ought to explain why I was going. My brother Brandon is attending the Southern College of Optometry in Memphis so him and his wife were heading there. Of course my mom was devastated. She cried, cried, cried... and cried some more. It was horribly hard to leave him walking away at that airport, knowing I would only see him once a year. I could cry now just thinking about that day.
It started when Brandon and Elizabeth (my sister-in-law) was staying at our house for a week, I was at youth conference (which was incredible also) and the day I came back from that we would be off to St. George to pick up the U-Haul and my brother's in-laws. I was crying the whole way, my heart forbade me to be happy about this 3 day drive to the city where I would never wish to be (at the time that is) The drive was tiring and painful at first. Eventually I was so tired I didn't care what was going on, I just wanted to not think or doing anything requiring work. It was around midnight when we arrived at the in-laws house. Sleep time
the next morning we were off. Not until my brother gave me a sketch book (which I am currently using for Art 2) for a thank you present. I felt a huge rush of sadness as I realized "This was it..." He was leaving for a long time. I had never been very close to Brandon, I had always wanted to, but we were complete opposites and had little chances to love each other. This trip I learned who my brother was and how much I loved him. It was incredible releasing he cared for me too.
The next two or three days seems like a blur. After two tire problems and 2 long hours in traffic, and some good Lenny Kravitz music we finally were approaching the city of Memphis. The drive seemed like the easiest part of this trip... now that I think back on it. It was a relaxing, inspirational time.
I watched in awe as we drove down he streets of Memphis. I had never imagined this place was so gorgeous. It was a lush green city that seemed like a town to grow old in. All the houses were gorgeous and had awesome doors! I was just amazed. Suddenly the whole trip became worth it. This was all incredible but I hadn't seen my brothers condo yet...
You wouldn't believe this place. It was so cute and homey. Vines covered parts of the house, the beautiful tree sprouting from the front of the small yard. Cute little people steps leading to the front door. I literally gasped when I saw it. It was everything I had ever wanted in a home. It was a dark burgundy color, with off white trimming I believe. It was just so incredible!! I cant even describe how perfect it as. And all their neighbors are all these little old ladies that are always wanting to bring you cookies! It was so sweet! I want their accents so bad! Puppy DAWG! (cough inside joke cough)
We spent the next few days unpacking and bringing together this wonderful place. I felt so relaxed and at home. It was so quiet... well not really but it felt so peaceful. I sketched some cool things, not anime, just still lives and other things. It was just so... wickeeed. Haha.
The local restaurants in Memphis are GREAT by the way. One of the things that urges me to move to Memphis was the Diversity. It was so culturally diverse. I couldn't believe that I was actually the minority in some places we went. It was just such a great experience for me to see what it is like outside of Utah. I loved it.
The hard part is to tell about the plane ride... It was such a hard moment. The split second I saw my brother walking away from me, I could hear my heart tear. I know it. That was the last time I have seen him, and will see him for a while. I still remember the feeling that I had, I know my mother was feeling it too. He is gone and that is that. Time stopped, I hugged my brother one last time. Tears welled up in my eyes and he just held on to me. On the plane I replayed the moment in my mind thinking "He is never coming home" I never go t a chance to know him. I know that I got really close to him but will that make up for the time that we lost through out my life? Never. I hope one day I will come to know him better but in our situation its very hard. He is going to be gone for a long time, and its going to be a long journey in our relationship.
My trip in a nutshell... er.. a really big nutshell. After I got home I went to lagoon that night. My comfort zone. If you know me, Lagoon is a.. I wouldn't say obsession because I would have to bite you for it. I just really enjoy it there. So it was a release from the long trip I had just had.
Owwy, my wrist hurts...
Remember, The purple cupcakes are always watching.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Out of the Block

Hoorah! I'm finally out of this block that has crept on my shoulders for this whole year! I have not been able to draw, write, or do anything creative for so long. Its so nice to have this off my shoulders. My friend Jiggy and I are writing a comic/story together. It should turn out great! It is about vampires. . . I know it sounds kind of childish or dorky but it's a good story and I think we have something going. I just came home from her house, where we were diligently studying and brainstorming... Okay so we were eating cupcake batter but it gave us ideas! I have felt a spur of inspiration lately, I am thinking of ideas faster than I can write them. They may be random, crazy things like a cowboy from Alaska but they work! They are funny and make you say "What?!?!" It makes me laugh to see peoples faces when I tell them about it. Especially people I don't know very well, because then they are very shocked to see me (who tends to be quiet in most of my classes) thinking of these crazy, outta-sight things. Maybe I should be more outgoing? I don't really know but I'm happy with myself most of the time. I can't change who I am I guess. Anyway, back to my block. Its nice to finally be out. I am drawing more than ever, mostly for Jiggy, but I have defiantly improved a great deal. I’m so excited for it. I’m sure most of you have experienced a block, its not fun. Not at all. You feel depressed most of your days, you sulk a lot, and other symptoms that definantly aren’t very comforting.

Well, I just want to add before I go, my sincere feelings of sadness to the people in New Orleans and the other places affected by the Hurricane. I know it is a big deal and that many people are having bigger troubles than a writers block. I just want to say that I care about the people down there, and the city. We lost so much but I feel that our country can only be stronger. If people would realize that people are trying their best instead of criticizing everyone than maybe it would go a lot smoother. I don’t know. I do know that all of us should be helping in one way or another. One thing I don’t understand is how people are BLAMING Bush for the hurricane. It makes no sense. People need to get their act together and realize that there is more to this situation than the president and some people who think he is the cause of everything. We need to do more than just sit here and grumble. I know its hard to sit through it all but we just have to do what we can. Well, there was my crazy rant on Katrina.
Best luck to you all in New Orleans once again. I hope it works out for all of us.
Remember, the cheese fries love you!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Blog #1

Hello World!