Sunday, April 30, 2006

I can't take it... #31

Just kidding. I can take it.

I'm just kind of lounging around right now. My whole family is coming over for dinner tonight and I've just cleaned my room, my family room and my bathroom in about an hour. It actually wasn't too bad. That shows how much I have matured. Usually I just lock myself in my room and wait till someone calls me. I like to think I've matured a lot, but it's hard to say. Some days I'm very serious and have intellectual conversations with my friends. Then other days I'm crazy and can't even put a sentence together. I think that's where I'm making my transition into high school. It's a different atmosphere there and I'm trying to prep myself. I'm currently working on an audition for Layton High's show choirs. Lace, Lyrics and Laytones. We have to do this really fast dance, and for someone uncoordinated like me it's really difficult. My brother told me trails of his auditions and told me how easy his dance was. I'm so jealous. I think that they have focused too much on choreography at Layton High's choirs. They don't even sing very much harmony because it is ALL dancing! It makes me kind of sad because I really can't dance. I'm just not cut out for it. I used to be a big dancer, and was always doing practices and stuff. I kind of just... gave that up. I've fallen out of being a physical person. I used to play soccer a lot, and do all these outdoor activities. Now I complain at just taking a walk. It's sad to say that but it's true. I'm really anxious to see what changes I'm going to make when I get into Layton High. It's weird to think this is my last month of Jr. High. I'm really going to miss this school. My mom says that once I get to high school I won't think that way, which is probably true. But I can't help but feel a feeling of regret for things I didn't do, resentment for things people did for me, and remembrance at all the great friends and things that have happened to me. I think I have matured but I seriously doubt that for half the student body. They think that being "churchy" is not cool, and that swearing and talking back to teachers will get you "in" with the crowd. Since when did being a self-absorbed dork become cool? Did I not get that memo? I've seen a lot of great kids become complete idiots because they have fallen victim to the immaturity bug. It drives me insane when people make fun of teachers and do crap to them that isn’t necessary. They are trying to teach you and trying to make a living for themselves and this is how you repay them? I just hope the reality of their worthlessness and stupidity hits them soon. They are going to realize that all those N's and U's and F's are going to come back and bite them in the butt. I'm not really churchy, and I'm not a straight a student but I do believe in respect and responsibility. Take action for your own life and don't let your big head lead you the wrong way. Don't live life thinking your social status is everything. Broaden your horizons a bit. Remember, life is short and if you focus everything on one aspect of life you will miss out on all those other great things.
Am I being nagging enough for you? Well, dinner is calling.
I really hope someone reads this that needs it.


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