Monday, September 12, 2005

Out of the Block

Hoorah! I'm finally out of this block that has crept on my shoulders for this whole year! I have not been able to draw, write, or do anything creative for so long. Its so nice to have this off my shoulders. My friend Jiggy and I are writing a comic/story together. It should turn out great! It is about vampires. . . I know it sounds kind of childish or dorky but it's a good story and I think we have something going. I just came home from her house, where we were diligently studying and brainstorming... Okay so we were eating cupcake batter but it gave us ideas! I have felt a spur of inspiration lately, I am thinking of ideas faster than I can write them. They may be random, crazy things like a cowboy from Alaska but they work! They are funny and make you say "What?!?!" It makes me laugh to see peoples faces when I tell them about it. Especially people I don't know very well, because then they are very shocked to see me (who tends to be quiet in most of my classes) thinking of these crazy, outta-sight things. Maybe I should be more outgoing? I don't really know but I'm happy with myself most of the time. I can't change who I am I guess. Anyway, back to my block. Its nice to finally be out. I am drawing more than ever, mostly for Jiggy, but I have defiantly improved a great deal. I’m so excited for it. I’m sure most of you have experienced a block, its not fun. Not at all. You feel depressed most of your days, you sulk a lot, and other symptoms that definantly aren’t very comforting.

Well, I just want to add before I go, my sincere feelings of sadness to the people in New Orleans and the other places affected by the Hurricane. I know it is a big deal and that many people are having bigger troubles than a writers block. I just want to say that I care about the people down there, and the city. We lost so much but I feel that our country can only be stronger. If people would realize that people are trying their best instead of criticizing everyone than maybe it would go a lot smoother. I don’t know. I do know that all of us should be helping in one way or another. One thing I don’t understand is how people are BLAMING Bush for the hurricane. It makes no sense. People need to get their act together and realize that there is more to this situation than the president and some people who think he is the cause of everything. We need to do more than just sit here and grumble. I know its hard to sit through it all but we just have to do what we can. Well, there was my crazy rant on Katrina.
Best luck to you all in New Orleans once again. I hope it works out for all of us.
Remember, the cheese fries love you!


Blogger Becca said...

Agreed. Bush TOLD the gov. to get the people out! From that point on it was NOT his problem anymore. Oooh. and AWESOME story soda! LUVEU

8:00 PM  
Blogger Flamboyant Hobo Zombie Pirate Princess On Ice said...

Heh heh, thank you becca!


8:47 PM  

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