Sunday, November 06, 2005

Soda Pop Goodness #10

Woo.. What a week. FINALLY! Pirates of Penzance is over and I am exhausted. All of Rhapsody is probably so glad it's over, or atleast I would think so...

I don't really know what I'm going to base this blog on. I'm drawing a blank right now. Well, I guess I will talk about which is better, coke or pepsi. I honestly love both, it just depends on my mood but my mom is trying to convince me that Pepsi is of the Devil. She is a coke person, but I tend to go toward the Pepsi side. I have been drinking Coke my whole life and I think it is very nice to have a break and have a Pepsi once in a while. One thing about both I don't like (Coke not as much) is when they add all these weird flavors. Like I'm drinking a DIET PEPSI TWIST right now.. Not a Pepsi..

Okay, I'm just messing around. I'm really going to elaborate on Patti's entry about Half Blood Prince.

I generally agree with most of what she said, but I think that this was the best book Rowling has wrote yet. I wasn't sure about the ending when Dumbledor begged for his life, I think that seemed VERY out of character. Dumbledore is the greatest wizard ever and he BEGS?! I don't understand that. I was happy to see her sum up the amazing Snape character. Is he good? Is he bad? Apparently, he is bad... I think so. I think that he can't redeem himself now. EVEN IF he and Dumbledore have a secret, I still believe that Snape has caused too much trouble. I think he is an incredible character and it was fun to watch him develop more through out the books but I think that it's good that she finally decided his side; good or evil.

I was SO happy about the Harry-Ginny relationship, I was so giddy when he kissed her at the after party of the quidditch match! I was jumping up and down. They needed that to happen, and it added so much to Harry's character. It was such a great side-plot to the whole voldemort story. It was great!! I still think that Won-Won needs to get his act together and stop saying Bloody-'Ell! So much... Well, actually I think that adds a lot to him, it shows that he is still Won-Won after all of the trials that they have faced.

Auntie Patti is going to kill me. SNAPE IS NOT HOT! No way have I, nor will I be attracted to him in any way. HE KILLED DUMBLEDORE!? How can that be "sexy". It just is wrong! ... I respect Patti's thoughts, but I thoroughly disagree. I can't forgive him. AH! Lupin! I thought the little side plot of Lupin and Tonks was great!! Just so you know...

Honestly, I would rather read Leven Thumps and The Gateway to Foo a few more times than read the Harry Potter series again... I mean, I would love to but I enjoy other books a little bit more. I just need to finish the series. Well, I must go. My Diet Pepsi Twist needs to be thrown away...

ha. Farewell and Good Night.


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