Sunday, October 02, 2005

When the guys in masks come out... #4

Frightmares if finally open. I've been going there since I was very little but have never been able to enjoy everything because I'm a chicken. Now I've come to terms with the fact they aren't real monsters... or are they??? Anyway, I went last night, first with my parents, and met up with my friend Jiggy (or Jordona if you know her) Jiggy is awesome but she is deathly afraid of the haunted house. We spent like twenty minutes trying to get her in there but alas. She would not go. So Alicia and I went, which was fine with me. The haunted houses are really stupid when you think about other ones, like Rocky Point and Nightmare on 13th. But I couldn't handle those ones so I'm sticking with Lagoon. I love the sound of Frightmares. This year it's even better because there is ALWAYS great music playing everywhere. The fog is a nice effect also. I'm really excited for next week when I can go with some different people from our school. It's one thing to go with the same people over and over again (cough Carli and Meagan cough) but when you go with some different friends it adds different things to the experience. Jordona is fun because she is scared of everything, I don't mind going with her over and over again... even though she won't venture into the haunted house. I really want to take Becca one day, ha, I think she is sick of me trying to get her into Lagoon. I just think it is fun I guess.
Today my family is coming over to eat with us. I'm nervous. Lately I've found that I feel very unwelcome, by my own family. Sometimes it doesn't seem bad but I don't know. I just feel like I'm the younger sister so I'm not worth listening to. I know that's not true, I know they love me but it's hard when you try to get a word in but nobody listens. I'm very excited though, my nephew is coming. My bother and his wife adopted him when he was seven months. He is now a year old and doing amazing. He is so adorable. And I have a niece on the way! My sister-in-law is due in February! We are all very excited and hope everything goes well. Wow, now you know what is going on with my family I guess. Ha.

Guess what? I got new shoes. Not just new shoes, COOL new shoes. I just had to bring this up because I am way excited for some reason. They are just white but the shoelaces and design on the side are checkered. Great huh?! This was a random thing to bring up, no? I have been wearing my old gym shoes forever, so it's nice to get a new pair. They are extremely comfortable, and you know, sensible shoes are important! I would know. I'm a shoe expert. Cough. I really need to get good shoes because I had surgery on my feet when I was about eight years old, so if I don't have good shoes it can REALLY hurt, believe me. Luckily, I'm pretty much over it now, but I do have to have another surgery, my leg is all wack. Ask to see it one day, its awesome, but not for the weak of heart... okay so it's not that bad.
Well, I must go.



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